On that fateful day however (last saturday, March 11th, 2006, approximately 6 am to be precise), I was one of the two in favour of departing early. This had something to do with me being one of the two drivers for the trip and naturally supporting the grandiose plans of beating the Bangalore traffic by leaving early.
So, just as I was getting into the bath, removing my spectacles, I heard a loud snap, followed by a crash and a shatter.
Fearing the worst, I located my spectacles. They were in my hands. I put them on. Something didn't quite seem right.
I looked at the floor. I could see piecies of broken , rather shattered glass. Dangerous. Something wasn't quite right.
If I had my glasses on my nose, what were pieces of glass doing on the floor? I didn't have any memories of having dropped them recently, and I'm not the kind of guy to throw them around in fits of anger, besides I couldn't recollect any such fits in the last few minutes.

While I got a towel on and swept away the glass pieces, I got philosophical about why an old and faithful pair of spectacles would give up on me, especially looking out on a nice 500 km drive on some awesome roads, when I would depend on them so much?
I had a couple of thoughts:
- My spectacles were jealous of my spanking new pair of contact lenses. While I'm not really used to the contacts yet, I've started leaving my good ol' glasses home on several occasions, especially when I'm headed to parties.
- The weather. It has been getting warmer in Bangalore recently, which caused the lens to expand and hence cause the screw to give way. Why only one glass, and not the other? Because I have different power in both eyes, and the right lens is significantly, repeat significantly thicker than the left lens. Do the physics. Thats why.
- Wear and Tear. Maybe they just got old and gave up. This is the most unlikely possibility, because I've had other spectacles for longer time periods and have never had them behave like this before (i.e. lens falling out before other forms of damage).
Yes, I wore contacts through this two day trip and have been on contacts ever since. The upside is that I'm now getting used to wearing the contacts on a daily basis because I don't have the fallback of the glasses any longer. Eat your heart out, old broken pair of glasses.*
*But I'll miss you anyways.
May be this was an indication that its time for you to buy a new pair of glasses.
so, instead of considering it as a disaster, think about the opprtuniity you just got ;).
I agree with Chini :-)
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