Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Missing Life Support System

You were on life support?

Thats just a catchy title. If you know me, you know that I'm referring to my mobile phone, which for a number of reasons, is my life support system. I lost it last night.


This is the most common question I've been asked by everyone whom I've told so far. I categorically deny it. I've never lost my phone before this. It has been out of commision for repairs and stuff, and I have been lost without it, but, at all points of time, I would be able to accurately pinpoint where my phone was.

If you are always so sure of where your phone is, how did you manage to lose it?

Yes, thats the catch. It fell out of my jacket pocket while I was riding my bike yesterday. So, I knew that its in my pocket, but when I reached office, it wasn't there. An attempt to call the number made it clear that the phone was out of reach both literally and figuratively.

Hang on, but wasn't yesterday the day when Bangalore was Mumbai'ed? What were you doing riding your bike in all that rain?

Yes, thats another story altogether. I was trying to get to office. It took me nearly an hour and a half to travel around 4 km, because of the roads jammed with water and traffic, most of which I spent talking on the phone to long lost friends (yes, thats an activity I enjoy in my spare time). Once I had got past the packed area onto clear roads, I put the phone away and reached office, covering the remaining 3-4 km in around 10 more minutes. Somewhere in this rush, the above-mentioned unfortunate event took place.

Don't tell me you went looking for it later...

Well, hopelessly optimistic fool that I am, I did. However, since the phone was unreachable, I had assumed that one out of two things must have happened:

  • The phone must have fallen off into a puddle of water, and all its internal circuitry must have fried up instantly. While my phone has survived getting wet earlier, this was probably too much for it to take. It wasn't a Nokia, you know, which by the way, my next phone is likely to be.

  • Someone picked it, and took out the battery immediately. This would have rendered my phone unreachable, while giving them the time to get it to appropriate people who might be able to hack into the protection that Reliance built into the phone, and get some money from it somewhere.

Since both options would basically mean that I had to buy a new phone, I had come to accept this fact.

I still went to look for it. Didn't find it, of course.

So how are you reachable now?

Office phone, Home phone, landline, online etc. Or through comments on this post. I'm too distressed by my loss right now, to give coherent thought to this. Maybe I'll put in some effort later after I've bought a new phone.

So, you're blogging after a long time, right? Had a lack of disasters lately?

What kind of friends or well wishers are you anyways? I only blog disasters in my life, and you want me to blog more?

Besides, its not a lack of disasters, but rather a lack of time to type those disasters, accountable for the lack of posts in this blog. However, I could still use some goodwill.

Ok, you've lost your life support system. You deserve to be a bit grumpy. So its ok, we're not taking offense.

Thanks for understanding. None intended.