Monday, February 20, 2006

Where is my website?

Some people would know that I have my own website at

While it does not have a whole lot of content right now, it does host my family tree, which is huge, and any other random stuff that I feel like putting up for someone.

While I've been labelled a geek since a long time, (close to my first semester in Engineering, in 2000 to be accurate), I only took the big step and got my own domain and website last year.

In this last year or so that I have had the site, there have been two occasions that the site went down. Both of them were obviously not problems with the provider that I buy from but the provider that he buys from.

The first time around, the provider's provider ran away with all their money. The grapevine is still ripe about what the case is this time around.

For a website, being down for a day twice a year is big deal. Really Big Deal.

My site is not a high traffic website, and it does not need to be up 24x7x365, and does not cost me millions of dollars every hour of downtime.

But your website is something that you expect to be up. All the time. Its like the foundation of your geekiness.

When such things start going down, exactly at the moment when you are rejoicing the newest addition to your family tree (I became an uncle yesterday, again*), and want to update the good news on your site, you start to question who this Murphy fellow is, and what is his nit with your life anyways.

I just hope my provider doesn't read this and decide that he doesn't want the disaster zone on his servers. I really like my service-provider. He's the most awesome dude, I've ever known.... Except for the website going down, which of course is a miniscule detail in the general scale of things.

*If you really do go browse through my family tree when its up, you will realize that at 250+ individuals, again is the operative word here. :)

Update: The site is now up. Didn't I tell you what an awesome dude my service provider is?