Thursday, May 18, 2006

Showing the finger

Cut my finger this morning, while trying some simple stuff like cutting open a pack of coffee with a knife. While this is not really news, I've been having a tough day at work since morning, because of the freaking finger.

While diarrhea, fever, flu etc. are not really enough to keep me away from work, this tiny cut in the finger has had me squirming in pain every moment of work.

On the other hand, I just got a band-aid and have since then been showing the finger to everyone :-P

And to you too:

I know, you were expecting something else, but my limited sense of decency prevented me from making this any more obscene.

On a mor intrsting not, I'v bn wonring how it woul b if I wr to typ without using that fingr. All sntns in this paragraph ar in that mo. I wonr if anyon an figur out whih fingr it is, an what I was trying to typ? Of ours, th first qustion shoul b asy basu of th pitur, but what about th son on? I promis a isastr iat to anyon who an figur it out xatly. I won't hat, promis!