Monday, January 24, 2005

No food once more.

Another day, same mistake.

Because of the late breakfast that I had, I didn't feel like having lunch at the normal lunch time.. Asif, Sridhar and DJ were going to Forum for lunch once again, so I just asked them to get me a burger or something.

Guess what, they forgot.

I wasn't even surprised or shocked at this.. Its just that I didn't think that three people would forget me like this.

I feel like shutting these people in some room, and leaving them without food for a month.. However, I'm too much of a nice guy to actually try that....

Being a nice guy doesn't take away the anger, though.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so ujj wat wuld u have done if u werent a nice guy?put them in a room without food for a thats all!!!
come on get a little imaginative .bring in some creativity in torture pal.think out of the box .dont just be mr.not a nice guy be a mr.wicked guy if u hafta.go all the way.>:)muahahahaha