Thursday, September 16, 2004

Finally down to blogging

Famous last words:
* Finally getting down and starting a blog of my own.
* Had to revive my blog after a long time.
* This blog is there to tell the world about my thoughts.

A few real life instances like these, and watching the inconsistent life cycle of the blogging world, combined with the Ultimate Question (no not that one...), "What do I write in my blog???" had kept me away from blogging so long.

However I have maintained a TWiki page on my company LAN for around two months now, with a list of the regular disasters befalling me. This page has a small audience now, and most of them recommended that I move this stuff to more public areas like a website.

While I'm too damn lazy to actually do a website for myself, I did concede to the idea of blogging about my disasters. (only after a lot of philosophical discussions: Would I want to reveal my thoughts? Would anyone be interested? Do I have the time? Does it really matter? What is the purpose? Is there a spoon? How many roads must a man walk down in his lifetime? Where do we go for lunch?)

So, after the preamble, I need to get down to why this area is called Disaster Area.

First of all it is inspired by Disaster Area of H2G2 fame. Second, I'm something of a Disaster-prone zone myself. I mean, usually if there is a glass to be broken somewhere, my presence is enough.

Like they say in many diet-courses, if you write down what you eat everyday, then you eat less. In the same theme, I'm hoping that if I write down whatever disasters occur to me, there might be less of them.

I guess thats enough for an introduction without even mentioning a disaster!!! I'll put my page from the TWiki as soon as I can... meanwhile...

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