Wednesday, October 27, 2004

No Dinner for me!

Well, so it was a rare occassion. Really rare that I should ever give hunger a lower priority than anything else. But I did.

I had loads of work to do, so I asked DJ to get some food for me from wherever he was going, instead of going along with him, as I usually do.

After waiting till nearly midnight, hunger finally overtook my concentration on the work to be done, and I called up DJ to find out what exactly was holding him up??

As soon as I greeted him, he realised what he had been forgetting all through dinner, and his silence was kind of enough to make things obvious. He had come back to office, and had forgotten all about my dinner!!!!!

Even the office pantry had run out of most edible supplies, and I had to have Cereals + Milk (which is usually breakfast for me) as a poor substitute for dinner.

Reminds me of the golden rule in life, "Pehle pet puja, phir kaam duja!" (translated from hindi: "First worship your stomach, then go on to other work!")

1 comment:

pradyot said...

It took this kinda event to make you realize that simple truth? Oh well, better late than never I suppose. :P Sometimes, hackers need to recall that one cant eat code...